Why Are
Honey Bees
So Important?
The honey bee is the only insect that produces food eaten by humans. Bees pollinate 80% of the world’s plants including 90 different food crops. One out of every three bites that you take is due to a honey bee, making them critical to our diverse ecosystem. 80 percent of the world's plants 90 different
food crops
5 thousand florida beekeepers
St. Johns County
Beekeepers Association
Getting the data is only one part of the puzzle. Connecting the dots is what makes the magic work. Knowledge classes | presentations Mentorship find a helping hand Community connect with beekeepers Start Your Beekeeping Journey

Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at the St. Johns County Agricultural Extension at 6:30 PM. Live hive demonstrations start at 5:30 PM when weather permits. 

What You Need To Know

Thinking About Beekeeping?

growing beekeepers since 2011

St. Johns County Beekeepers Association

For the past fourteen years The St. Johns County Beekeepers Association has been providing education and teaching best management practices for local backyard beekeepers. Our mission is to educate and inform local residents of St. Johns County of the many benefits of honey bees, and their importance to our diverse eco-system. 


Swarms and Removals

Got a swarm? Call a beekeeper, not an exterminator! Swarms are a natural occurrence that happens when honey bees decide it is time to reproduce. We have beekeepers that can handle the most difficult of swarm removals in St. Johns County. 

Our Relocation Team
Bo Sterk (904) 377-5167
Susan Roark (772) 418-1923
Molly LaRocca (352) 281-5461
Keith Cordaro (904) 810-3233
Walt Wieser (904) 501-2824

St. Johns County Beekeepers Association


individual annual membership


* $20 Family Annual Membership

two bees in a podcast is hosted by members of university of florida's honey bee research and extension laboratory